Friday, October 29, 2010

A post in which plans change

Alan sent me another creative idea for yet another weekly Power Point presentation that he thinks will be a good idea. As usual, it landed in my in-box this afternoon with no backup, no example, and a fairly vague outline of what he wanted, but apparently I'm just supposed to be able to psychically intuit how to do this. This after the week from hell, and inheriting a ton of accounts that haven't been worked for a year. Sigh. Not a good way to end the week.

I had looked forward to tonight all week. I was supposed to be having a pizza night with Miss Kat and dana, but they weren't able to keep the date.

It turned out fine though. I called Russ. He was free because Billy's still in the show. He invited me over to hang out and drop in on a party. Well the hanging out part we have down, but the party proved to be a bit of an issue. We couldn't find it. After driving around for a while (I was quite enjoying the ride, but Russ was getting stressed out) we were both hungry and decided to get some Japanese take-out.

When we came out of the restaurant though, Russ's car wouldn't start. We hit a really bad speed bump while we were lost and apparently it turned off the fuel pump. We thought we were stranded, and Russ texted Billy to leave the show to come get us. There was a re-set button though, and in an unexpected burst of butchness, I was able to find and use the button to get the car running again. Russ said "You've been spending too much time with dana." I found that incredibly funny.

The evening salvaged, we went back to the house and finished out the evening hanging out - our specialty. It turned out to be a nice evening after all.

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