Saturday, October 30, 2010

A post in which it is the night of the big party

We had made all the plans last night for the party tonight. But I couldn't lay around all day today. I really wish I had gotten moving a little faster today, but I did get up and get going eventually. I decided what to cook, made a list, and went to the store. When I got home I turned on the creepy movie marathon on TCM and made my lunches for next week. I got the kitchen all cleaned up, ate lunch, and had a little time to rest before it was time to get ready.

Fortunately, Russ and Billy really came through for me on the costume. They had a full fireman's fall-out suit they told me I could borrow, and it fit. When I got to the house though, Willie was running late. We hung out and waited until he got there. His friend John was going too. I was kind of sniffing around him. He's about the right age, and a nice looking guy.

When Willie got there we went to Miyako for sushi. It was excellent, as always, and I thought it had been far too long since we had been over there. Russ was passing out candy to people and telling them Happy Halloween, since I had brought two bags over to the house, and they never have any trick-or-treaters. I thought that was a great idea, and everyone smiled when they got candy. I found out over dinner that I have actually gone out with John before, years ago, before I met Michael. I don't remember, but he was nice about it.

Then we headed for the party! We were too late to help set up, but we got there shortly after the party started. The house was decorated to the nth degree, as usual, and in fact I think it was better than usual this year. There were more regular light bulbs than usual this year and it was easier to find your way around. The light was needed though - there were even more people than usual this year and the house was very crowded.

The weather was gorgeous this year, perfect for a Halloween party, and we enjoyed sitting out on the deck meeting people as they came through. In the fireman's outfit I was quite comfy, and didn't even need a jacket. The costumes were great. My favorite was a guy dressed as a kissing booth. I thought it was very clever, although I understand the guy wearing it isn't the nicest person. It was quite a make-out event this year and several guys asked for kisses I was quite glad to bestow. They were mixing the drinks really strong too, and some of the guys were blitzed. John seemed to relax some later on. I would like to go out with him again, and told him so. He seemed amenable. We'll see what happens.

I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in years, including a man I knew that I asked about his wife, only to be told he'd been divorced for 16 years - and is gay. There was just no way to salvage that.

Eventually, though, we were partied out. The fireman's boots, which I had thought fit so well when I put them on, felt as if they were full of bloody hamburger. We waited for a taxi to turn around to carry some folks off, and passed yet more inebriated guests saying goodnight to the cars as they pulled out, and headed home. I had a good time, but I was profoundly grateful to get in my bed. It was pretty late.

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