Monday, June 1, 2009

A post in which I talk to Cindy

Cindy called me today at work. That was a good thing, since I had tried to call Paul this weekend and he had changed his number again. BB is not doing well. I talked to her about it. BB has been in the hospital for the last three weeks, and is having breathing problems. They can't seem to get her straightened out, and she's been basically fighting for every breath. She told Eve last weekend that she was "tired of fighting". I thought Cindy needed to know about that.

The reason Cindy called, however, was that apparently Dad and Eve had sent the cops to her house this weekend to "make sure she and Brenden were OK". Needless to say, they were embarrassed, as were the cops when they realized what was going on. I've always been able to kind of regulate Dad with exposure vs. withdrawal when he gets to be too much. I don't know why that isn't working for Cindy and Paul, but the further they withdraw, the wilder things seem to get. I really, really wish this would resolve, but it doesn't seem to be happening. It was good to talk to Cindy though.

I talked to M periodically through the day today. We still keep in constant touch with each other.
I went to his house tonight. I put my foot in my mouth with his roommate yet again, and then she left for a softball game.

I ate leftover pizza (M doesn’t do leftovers) and we watched Hancock, which had kind of been on my list of things to see, but not high on the list. It was surprisingly good – better than I thought it would be. I knew Will Smith chose scripts well, and wouldn’t have done the part if there hadn’t been something more to it.

We talked about how our days went, and his counseling session today. That led into a fairly serious discussion about where we are right now, where we see this going, and where we are in our own lives. It was a good talk. I’m still bewildered that this wonderful man has chosen me - out of his legions of admirers - to date. But I’m trying to enjoy today and not stress about tomorrow. That’s very foreign to my nature, but has been surprisingly easy here.

After a suitable celebration at the end of our talk, we turned in. Tomorrow is another work day.

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