Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A post in which I make a date

It was a fairly average day today.

I hit the gym after work, came home, and ate leftovers.

Justin called and we talked for a while. I love that boy. He does my heart good. We re-hashed the M scandal, and he has added his voice to my self-admonition to stay the hell away from M's Manhunt profile.

I called and talked to Jason for a while. I’m a bit discouraged about that situation. He is a nice guy, and certainly seems interested, but tonight I found out about some formidable roadblocks to that situation. It’s going to be tough to work out time to see each other, and even when we can, that time is going to be limited. Piled on top of the age difference and the distance, it’s a fairly intimidating wall to try to scale. Plus, he is just so young and pretty, which at the moment gives me pause, as attractive as he is. Burnt dog should fear fire and all that.

But I’m not eliminating guys before I meet them, and I definitely want to meet him. We have a date for dinner on Friday night. I’m looking forward to it, but at the same time my hopes are not quite as high as they were.

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