Friday, June 26, 2009

A post in which it is date night*

It was an incredibly long day at work today, but at last it ended.

Despite problems reaching Jason in the past, he was pretty communicative today, and we were able to set up the date with no problem. I put things off until 7:30 so I had time to hit the gym after work, get home, shower, etc. I hate having to rush around before stuff, and I plenty of time to get ready. I also took a call from Anna. We had talked about going out for dinner this week, but hadn’t made it yet. We agreed to do that tomorrow night.

Jason not only got to the house pretty much right on time, but had called first because he thought he might be a few minutes late. That was nice - and unusual for dating now.
He is very cute, but does have what I call the “suspiciously flattering internet photos” on his Manhunt profile. Still, he is a good-looking guy, and we had a nice time together. He’s a sweet guy. We went for cheap sushi at Ni Hao, and talked and we talked over the meal. Well actually really mostly he talked. But in all fairness I was ravenous, and so it was fine for him to talk while I ate.

I had thought we might go over to Furman and walk around the lake after dinner, but it was still over 90 when we got out of the restaurant. We decided to go back to my place and put in a movie. He hadn’t seen a lot of John Waters but wanted to. I put in Lust in the Dust, which is one of my favorites.

We actually didn’t end up watching a lot of the movie. We started talking, and one thing just kind of led to another.

It was a nice evening, and I enjoyed myself. I’ll probably see him again.

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