Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A post in which I go back to work

Eventually, of course, the real world had to intervene again. It was OK. I like mornings when M and I get ready together. There is something very intimate about preparing to face the day with someone.

Work wasn’t as bad as I had expected. I’m still waiting on that backlog of accounts to hit, but it hasn’t yet. By the end of the day, I was pretty much caught up.

M had called tonight as a ‘time off’ night; we can both use more “me time” than we have been getting. I hit the gym and came home to start the cooking I was supposed to do yesterday. I turned out four new lunches in pretty short order, and ate some left-over squash with saffron rice (that needed to be eaten) for dinner. I folded a load of laundry, and sat down to do my homework.

Big Red, like Mys Shay, likes to have a write-up done about a scene after it is over. She had sent me her format today, which is surprisingly formal, but nothing that I couldn’t do. I talked to her a couple of times tonight, asking for clarification. Writing about the scene was relatively easy, once I got it kind of organized in my head, but she also told me she wanted impressions about the whole weekend. That was a bit more work than I had thought it was going to be.

I also had my check-in call to do with Mys Shay tonight. Many Dommes will schedule a check-in call to see how you’re doing 24-48 hours after a scene. I ended up talking to her for a while. I really enjoy talking to Mys Shay. She is very down to earth, and I love that I can really talk to her in a relaxed way. I am respectful, of course, but she doesn’t demand excessive protocol outside of a scene. That’s easier for me. I just like her style, and see her as a friend. We ended up talking for longer than I expected; but I was really enjoying the conversation, as usual.

After the phone call, I finished up my homework, sent it out, and went to bed. I’m tired.

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