Saturday, April 11, 2009

A post in which I have friends in, and am delighted

I woke up this morning at 8:30, unbelievably. But I wasn’t very happy about it. Despite the fact that the need for sleep was hanging on me like a tired child, I had to get up and go to the flea market. The yard is disgraceful, and I don’t even own a lawnmower at the moment. So I hauled myself out of bed and got dressed. I walked around while I was there, but didn’t see any glass today, except for one small Fire King ramekin in the Sapphire Blue that I collect. It was over-priced, but I bought it anyway.

When I got to the lawn mower guy, he had two left. And they had gone up from $60 to $70 – I suppose that is the price of procrastination. I bought the mower, loaded it up, and got it home and unpacked without too much trouble. Then I went back to bed.

I woke up a bit after 1pm, ate something, and headed reluctantly to the yard. I was as awake as I was going to be. I mowed the lawn (mowing the dog lot for the first time since I lived there, thanks to JB and Rick), trimmed up the bushes, and did a half-assed weeding job on the bed beside the front walk. By that time, I was really dragging. But my yard looks about as good as it ever looks. I had some tea, did a few house things and took a shower.

After that though, I decided I didn’t want to stay home tonight. I don’t know why. This would have been the perfect at home evening. I was tired. Terry was coming at 9 when he got off work to stay the night. But I haven’t seen Billy in several weeks. I called, but they are at Frolicon this weekend in Atlanta. I called dana to see what she and Miss Kat were up to, and they were free. So I mixed up a big bowl of (fabulous) egg salad (all I was missing was celery), had supper, and headed their way.

They are having problems with Jack. He is one barky Westie, and he’s driving them crazy. He’s a nice enough dog, just barky and noisy all the time. He’s worse when there’s company over. We eventually decided to go to my house.

That turned out to be a great idea. Terry came in, and we all got to visit together. Surprisingly, Terry and Miss Kat had an acquaintance in common. I got out some wine, and we had a bottle of Pinot Noir I had gotten from Total Wine a while back. It wasn’t as good as the red I had last weekend, but I am developing a taste for reds.

It was so good to have some people in the house! It has seemed so empty for so long. It felt great to have friends in and get some good energy in there. After they left, Terry and I stayed up and talked until about 1:30. I haven’t had a good visit with him where we just talked in a long time. He actually picked up some stuff on me (Terry does Tarot readings, and sometimes picks things up on people). He’s seeing me meeting a dark-haired guy named Randall or Randy, but who goes by a nickname, within the next 3-4 weeks. He says this is someone with whom I have the potential to get serious. It would be nice to have a date at least.

Eventually, we reluctantly headed for bed. He had to be up for work in the morning, and I haven’t been very kind to my body this weekend.

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