Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Feel Like Crap, part deux

Woke up feeling like hammered shit this morning. I guess it's true what they say about alcohol lowering your resistance. I could barely swallow, much less talk. So I called in to work and went to the doc. And I swear this had nothing to do with the &*^*(&&*^^%!! quarterly meeting at work, which I hate more than life itself, but I'll save that rant for another day.

Doc says I have another sinus infection. Which is why I'm going though all these steps with my insurance company, so I can hopefully get it fixed. She gave me some antibiotics and sent me home. I was hoping I could do it on my own. I feel guilty now when I take antibiotics because of all the resistant strains and stuff being bred. I know that is mostly happening because of massive use in factory farms, but I still get them into the water system when I take them. Anyway, I mostly just spent the day collapsed. The cats love it anyway. Jinx thinks if I am prone it is her right to be laid up on some part of me.

To top off the loveliness, I had gained 7 pounds since the last time I was at the doc's. I have gained back almost all the weight I lost before Michael left. Sigh.

I had to cancel on dinner with Russ and Scott too, which I really wanted to do. Dammit.

But Russ called me tonight to check on me. That was so sweet.

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