Thursday, January 3, 2008

All things bend to My Will muahahaha

An amazingly productive day. Finished my presentation and turned it in on time. Caught up on all phone calls, and all my client contacts that needed to be done have been done, or at least I have left messages for the ones I couldn't reach. Sometimes I am amazing.

I have also converted over from the old Ms. Jane Hathaway paper calendar follow-up system I have been using for years to the electric calendar in my email the company upgraded us to last year. I figured the new year was as good a time as any for the conversion. I feel very up-to-date.

Another lovely evening. Went to get my hair cut, finally. I used to have a standing, but lately I have just been kind of getting my hair cut when it bugs me. I got caught with poodle hair for the holidays, but finally got sheared tonight. And it looks good too. Russ is by far the best barber I have ever had the privilege of patronizing.

After that, we went to his house and picked up Billy and Sweet Justin and went for Thai, which was wonderful. Then for ice cream, believe it or not, with it 29 degrees outside, but that's what Russ wanted. Then we went back to the house and played Wii. Tennis and bowling. I have to say, I am not much of a gamer kind of person, but that Wii shit is fun. Aside from worrying about Russ bashing into me (he is a very energetic Wii player) it was really nice. Got home late, but it was worth it.

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