Friday, January 25, 2008

Duty Calls

Had to go to work today, my boss has fits when I'm out. I'm like his security blanket. So I took my big pills and went in. I did get some work done.

It did not help my mood in the slightest that not only did Russ and Scott go to dinner last night, but Justin went with them, and they had a fabulous time, AND I missed out on good dirt. I HATE missing out on good dirt.

By the end of the day I was so drug out, all I wanted to do was go home and collapse, but I also was craving Limeade like a heroine addict. I always crave limeade when I'm sick, for some reason.

So I went by the store, bought juice and frozen pizza, and came home and collapsed. I was in bed by 9pm.

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