Friday, December 24, 2010

A post in which I get a Christmas present*

Today was unexpected, and I'm going to brag just a bit. I had a guy get in contact today that I had slept with ten years ago. He was really cute, but unfortunately I didn't remember him. He ended up coming over, and we spent several most enjoyable hours together.

But I was running behind. There were a million things I needed to do today.

I spent an hour and a half wrapping presents. I LOVE to buy and give Christmas gifts, but I LOATHE to wrap them. I spent 20 minutes wrapping the one and only gift I will ever wrap in Mylar paper. It was some Michael had left here (I'm still using wrapping paper he left, four years ago). When I finished, I put the paper in the car to give away. It made an ugly present, but I had spent too much time working on it to change the paper.

The last gift I wrapped was the BIG (two half-pound cups) Reese's Cups for Miss Kat and dana. I also got their gift ordered.

I was feeling pretty hectic and not very Christmas-y from rushing. I really wanted to be at their place this afternoon, but I had to get the gifts wrapped for in the morning. In the car on the way over I was trying to relax. I looked over at a stoplight, only to see a little ole redneck woman sporting a Santa hat. It did my heart good to see her. She noticed me looking at her, and I could tell it made her uncomfortable. I gave her a big smile and pointed to my head, at which point she gave me a radiant smile and lifted up the tip of the hat. Her little ball on the tip was lit up. I was instantly full of holiday cheer. It was the precious-est thing.

I finally made it to Miss Kat and dana's house, and I was SO glad to be there. We did presents. They gave me a gift card to World Market, and a big ole candy bar.

I hadn't watched Muppet Christmas Carol yet this year, and had brought it with me in case they were interested. It's my favorite Christmas movie. To my surprise, dana said she was interested in watching, but there were DVD player problems. Miss Kat ended up bringing in a player from the bedroom and going to quite a bit of trouble to get it to play, but in the end, she did it. Watching it with them was perfect. What a great evening, and a great Christmas with them!

Charlie came by to bring over a tres leches cake. It was gorgeously delicious.

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