Friday, December 10, 2010

A post in which THE COOKBOOK IS DONE!! YAY!

The cookbook is done!!! It’s DONE! And it’s good. I’m proud of it. There were a couple of recipes that didn’t make it in, but I ended up with 56. That was more than I ever intended to do. I called the printing place today to find out if they could get it back to me by next Friday. They told me they could. I wasn’t quite finished when I initially called them, and so I asked if I could turn it in on Monday. There was a pause “Sure.” The woman on the phone said. I didn’t like that pause. So I jumped on it, did a quick edit on a couple of pages, put together my table of contents, and hand-numbered the pages. I couldn’t figure out how to get them to number automatically, and it was going to get complicated. They are telling me that it’s no problem to have it back by next Friday. I emphasized that it had to be finished on pain of torture and death. The title is Kindred Cooking – What to Whip Up for Hungry Hedonists. I was limited to what was in stock for my binding, which I was a bit disappointed in, but I’m still pretty excited. When I dropped it off, it was like a weight had fallen off my shoulders.

I called Miss Kat tonight, forgetting that she and dana were in Florida for the week. Shortly after I talked to her though, Russ asked me to the house tonight. Joanne and Rob are in town and were already there. Russ did a Rankin-Bass Rudolph tree this year, and it is lovely. It's my favorite tree he's ever put up. We ended up going to get Chinese buffet, which really didn’t seem to agree with any of us.

We were packed in the car heading home (those of us in the back seat thought) when Russ abruptly decided to detour to Kohl’s. Well I needed stuff from there anyway. He’s looking for an electric pressure cooker, which they didn’t have, but I was able to pick up Lisa and Carl’s present while we were there - and bonus for me. It was quite handy to have Rob there as my ‘straight guy consultant’ on Carl’s gift. Now that the cards and the book are done, and the tree is up, my next focus has to be on serious Christmas shopping. I have a lot of gifts left to buy.

We went back to the house and hung out for a while, but I have a long day tomorrow. I toddled off home and put myself to bed.

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