Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A post in which things are a bit better

I dragged myself resignedly to work this morning, again sans nicotine, and threw myself on the alter of the endless PowerPoint presentation.

I made some headway today. I was able to break through the block from yesterday and make some progress.

After work I went to Fried Green Tomatoes to have supper with Eve and Dad. That did give me something to look forward to. I need to spend evenings at home working on the cookbook, but spending all that time at home by myself weighs on me, particularly after spending all day around work people.

I went back to the house after we ate and visited for a while. It was a pleasant evening. I actually look forward to evenings at their house now. It's comfy and warm with the fire lit, no cat messes waiting to be cleaned up, and no housework looking at me accusingly. Dad and I work to be as pleasant with each other as we can be. We got into it a little bit tonight (his solution to all the ills of the world are church, guns, or the Republican party), but we both backed down in the end. It would be so nice to be that sure of everything. There are no gray areas in his world. It's all black and white. Or in the shady realm of complete denial.

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