The antenna on my phone, which has been woogly for several weeks, finally snapped off today. Pretty much the worst timing it could have. Russ is going to give me his old phone, but there was no way I could get over there, get the phone, get by Verizon to have the service moved, and make it home in time to pack tonight. So I started off by gluing the antenna back on my phone.
I was soooo tempted to go out to eat tonight. I am so tired of ficken pie and meatloaf every day. But it's cheaper than eating out, and I know Mom is going to stuff me full of food the whole time I'm there. So I was a good boy, went home, and ate meatloaf. Again.
I got the packing done, and got to bed fairly early. It's a long day tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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