Saturday, November 13, 2010

A post in which I am slightly less worthless than usual

I was determined to get some things done this weekend. I've been pretty damn lazy the last couple of weeks. I got a slow start, but once I finally got going I did get some things done. I went up to Trader Joe's today to see what they had, and although it was still too crowded I did actually buy some groceries, unlike the last time.

Unfortunately they didn't have the things I was looking for. I needed fake chicken for tomorrow. I had a frozen pot pie last weekend, and was so disappointed in it I resolved to make some of my own. Somehow this morphed into me making pot pie for Sunday dinner tomorrow with Jeff and James. But they cook for me all the time, and I really didn't mind.

I went over to Whole Foods and picked up the things I needed for the pies and for a meatloaf I want to make sandwiches out of for supper next week. I also picked up some pretty good chicken-fried tofu. It wasn't as good as mine flavor-wise, but the texture was excellent.

After I ran errands I was as usual planning on cleaning house, but also as usual decided I wasn't about to spend Saturday night cleaning house. I sent Russ a text, and cleaned the corner where I feed the cats while I waited to hear back. So I felt justified in going out.

I got to the house and helped Russ burning out his new kerosene heater to clean the wick. He got it for the back porch, and is very excited to have a new toy. We decided to head for Spartanburg, both because we wanted to eat at Thai Taste, and because Russ had gotten back the cushion covers he had made for Jeff and James' deck furniture.

The food at Thai Taste was just as gorgeously delicious as ever, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Then we went off to Barnes & Noble, partially to see our friend Morgan, who works there, and partially to look for gift ideas. I found lots of stuff I wanted for myself, but came away fairly idea-less as far a Christmas gifts go. I did get to check out the new Warman's Depression Glass books, and I have to say that they have really stepped up to the plate since Gene Florence retired. The new Warman's field guide for this year is impressive.

From there it was on to Jeff and James's house. We put the new cushion covers on and visited with Amanda while we waited for them to get home from work, surprising them. It was lovely to see them, as always, and we spent the evening visiting and talking. We also played a dice game they taught us called '10,000'. It's similar to Farkle, but not the same game. Of course we were there until too late, but you only go around once, ya know? I was enjoying spending time with my friends. I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead.

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