Monday, November 29, 2010

A post in which it is a busy Monday

I had all my calls to catch up on today, plus the usual weekly reports to run. That is before even thinking about month end, which starts on Wednesday. Sigh. I was caught up when I left though.

I heard from Billy today. Russ shared with me last night that he had given his old phone to Joanne while they were here for Thanksgiving, so I had thought I was SOL. But Billy said that he would see what he could round up at work. Apparently they give old phones to charity when the employees upgrade them. He came through. He was able to get me a phone for free! So top of the priority list was to go get it tonight. I ran by their place and picked it up. Russ had been to the dentist today for an extraction though, so he was in bed. I thanked Billy profusely and headed out.

The next stop was the Verizon store. I was there about an hour, but they got it all switched over, even if they seemed somewhat taken aback by my lack of phone savvy. I can't be the only person that comes in there that doesn't know how to program the things. I was able to ID the phone Billy gave me as a nice Motorola that would have cost $190 new!! It's by far the most expensive phone I've ever owned. This one isn't as cutting-edge as the phone Russ had, but then I really don't need cutting edge. This one suits me fine.

Leaving there, I had to go to the grocery store. I had no fruit for the week and hadn't felt like going to the store yesterday. After that I had to go by the library to turn in a book on CD that was overdue.

I was finally headed home about 8:30, and thinking I would collapse and look up the phone online to find the instructions, when it rang. Fortunately it wasn't hard to answer, but I couldn't get it unplugged with one hand, so I was driving kind of hunched over. It was dana, and how great that my first call on the new phone should come from her! She and Miss Kat wanted to visit, and of course I said sure.

I got in and had just enough time to run over the worst of the cat mess, put away the groceries, plug in the new phone to finish charging, and put on my pjs before they knocked. It was so good to see them! I love them both so much. We had a nice visit and chatted for a bit before they had to head home. I still hadn't had any supper, so I foraged through the cabinets for junk before turning in. What a day!

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