Monday, August 23, 2010

A post in which I have the dreaded biopsy

Well today was the day I’ve been dreading. The first one anyway. It’s a scary thing to have to go have stuff like this done, and it’s scarier on your own. I know I could have called any number of people to come with me to hold my hand, but I don’t want to bother my friends unless I really need them. I could man up and do this. So I did.

Don’t you love how they are always so emphatic about your being on time for a doctor’s appointment, and yet you still end up sitting in the waiting room? Well such was the case today. I had a half hour to cool my heels and read People (I know) before they called me back. But hey, I was in no hurry to rush back there anyway.

They took me to the back and put me in a ‘dressing room’ (i.e. closet, and a none too large one at that) to change clothes. There was a little wooden bench, where I was left for another 15 minutes until they were ready for me. The biopsy didn’t take that long. It was more painful than I was expecting, but at least it was short. The doctor was very nice, and has a good bedside manner. I should have been nicer to him, I guess, but something about having a cold hard plastic rod up my butt chewing (OK, well biting) pieces out of it just doesn’t put me at my best socially. I know, go figure.

I wandered back outside afterwards, slightly dazed, but profoundly relieved that it was over (I’m not even contemplating results at this point). I went by the grocery store for a few odds and ends because I didn’t know if I would be able to go later (I might have swelling). Deciding (nearly unbelievably) that I hadn’t been rewarded enough for being a good boy today, I got a box of Little Debbie Cakes. They’re my very favorite, but I hardly ever eat them because they are so incredibly bad for you. When I got home, I hit the sofa. I had intended to take a good long nap, but things kept happening. The guy came to mow the grass. Of course I couldn’t sleep while he was there. The phone rang a couple of times just as I was ready to doze off, but since it was friends checking in with me I really couldn’t be grumpy about that. I did doze off for a bit.

I heard from Eve. Dad has a staph infection in his back. They're waiting for the culture to come back from the lab to see whether or not it's a MRSA. Eve said Dad's doing OK now that he can see them doing something to try to help him. No decision yet on whether or not he has to go back to surgery. Her cancer surgery is scheduled for September 20th. She's hoping he'll be up and around by then.

As it got later in the day, I got up and down some. I strung and cooked a little pot for green beans, and put together a pasta salad for lunches this week. That was actually a pretty good thing to make, because I could dice a veggie and then go lie down for a bit. I got it finished eventually.

The aftermath wasn’t nearly as bad as I had feared, but by the time I finished up the salad and
cleaned up the kitchen I was sore. I would really have liked to have someone there to pet me a bit, but being single there wasn't anyone. I could have called a friend, but would have been too embarrassed to have someone come just to fuss over me. I collapsed back on the sofa and fought off the wild urge to go see someone (I was consumed with boredom). Lady Beth and dana called to check on me, bless them, and I talked to them for a bit. I saw Michael on line and talked to him a little. But eventually, I took some Tylenol and hit the sheets. Work tomorrow. But hey, back to normal life too. That's a good thing - comparatively.

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