Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A post in which I have dinner with Dad and Eve, and break the news

Tonight was the night I planned to go tell Dad and Eve about the upcoming biopsy. He’s been out of the hospital for about two weeks now and is back at work, so I figured he is well enough. Eve goes to get her mastectomy scheduled on Friday.

Eve had me meet them at the new Guadalajara over near their house. It is a nice looking place, but there is a tile floor, metal chairs, and nothing on the walls, so it is really loud and echo-y in there; not exactly conducive to conversation. I wasn’t going to tell them before we ate anyway – there’s nothing like bad news to ruin your appetite.

Since Dad worked today I ended up sitting and eating chips for an hour or so waiting on him so we could order – just what I needed to do. I probably ate more of them because I was nervous. I still managed to polish off my meal though, even though the food I had wasn’t that great. It seemed to take forever before the meal was over. I was nervous and uncomfortable, it was loud in there, and I had just been in restaurant chairs for way too long.

Eventually, though, we went back to their place and I broke the news. They took it pretty well. Dad told me about getting his biopsy, and some of what to expect. We talked about other things too. Eve asked to borrow some of my Depression Glass for a thing she’s doing at church, so we got it out and discussed display and stuff. My Aunt Pam called and they talked to her.

By this time though, it was getting late, and I was just worn out. The only time I’ve really been home and awake this week was Monday night. Although I don’t really relish being at home by myself usually, I am ready for a little peace. I headed towards the house.

Lisa had called last night while I was at dinner with Rick, and she called again tonight while I was at dinner with Eve and Dad. Since I knew she would still be up, I called her on the way home, but had to leave a message. I don’t want her to feel like I’m blowing her off, but it has been a very busy week this week.

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