Friday, August 13, 2010

A post in which I am off to the mountains

Today was Friday the 13th, and although the weekend is pretty ill-omened, today went pretty well. It was very busy though. I got ready to leave town while I got ready for work, ending up only 15 minutes late. Since things are still slow on my desk that was fine.

After work I left and drove to Statesville. I was meeting Mom and Lisa there, but of course they were late, which was fine. I had figured they would be. I shopped for a while, finding none of the things I needed from the Wal-Mart there. I also looked around for a book Cole needs for school (he starts next week) but didn’t find it. I walked around the shopping center there and chose a restaurant for dinner. We met at Chili’s, a place I usually hate, but Mom loves it apparently and I have to admit I had a most excellent veggie burger plate. The fact that it was after 9pm by that point and I was so hungry I could have eaten corn chips out of Rush Limbaugh’s shoes may have had something to do with that. Mom caught me up on the latest in the Granny situation over dinner.

Cole rode the rest of the way to Granny’s with me. He’d been in the car with Ava for hours at that point and was glad for the break. She’s a sweet thing, but she’s just about three (her birthday is next month) and riding in the car strapped in a car seat for a long time is not exactly her favorite thing.

I had the sweetest text from Rick tonight on the way in. I was touched, but I couldn’t text and drive. It was so thoughtful of him. It made me feel really good, and was a bright spot on a weekend I'm not much looking forward to. I'm really looking forward to seeing him next week though.

By the time we got there it was late and there wasn’t much to do but haul everything in, assign sleeping quarters, and get to bed. I was exhausted.

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