Sunday, December 27, 2009

A post in which the work continues

The goal today was to get things cleaned out where furniture sat so I could put the furniture back in place. It's been torn up for a week now, and I'm starting to exhibit signs of schizophrenia.

But before I started on that I put one of the backed-up 8,000 loads of laundry in to wash. I did a couple of loads, and just kept the washer and dryer going all day while I worked. The cleaning and sorting took most of the day. I washed walls, floors, and the backs of furniture I can't move by myself. I finally cleaned out from under the bed, which has been needing to be done forever. Fortunately I had my grandfather's shotgun to threaten the rabid dust bunny civilization into the garbage. Dust bunnies is so stupid. They didn't know the gun wasn't loaded. I also cleaned out the long-neglected laundry room, which has been in a state of pure white trash squalor for quite some time. I can actually put the vacuum away now without it sitting on a wash of detritus and shoes.

When I got to the place, I called Miss Kat and dana to come help me move stuff and bless their hearts, they did. They came over and we put stuff back into place. By that time I was ready to sit down for a while. I knocked off for the day. This is supposed to be my vacation.

We had a good visit, and then they toddled off home.

Russ was due in today, so I called Billy to see what they were doing for supper. It turns out Russ was late though, so Billy and I went on to dinner. I wanted to go to Portofino's because I have had a fierce craving for their specialty tortellini all week, but they were closed for Sunday, as was Capri's. We went to Olive Garden. I'm not a snob about that place; some of their food is really tasty.

I'd had a light lunch, so by the time we got there I was ravenous. We ate the first bowl of salad in about two minutes, and called for more. Billy ate a little of it, but I finished most of the bowl. My entree was delicious, but I didn't finish it because we wanted dessert. They had a new dessert on the menu that is basically beignets (with less powdered sugar) served with a chocolate hazelnut sauce for dipping. They came to the table fresh, pillow-soft, and just almost too hot to eat. They were phenomenal. The sauce could have been better, but it was pretty good too, and the little pastries themselves were so good that it really didn't matter.

Stuffed to repletion, a wave of exhaustion just washed over me. I said goodnight to Billy, went home, and collapsed in the bed. I turned on the Fox Sunday night lineup, but I was asleep before Family Guy even came on.

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