Friday, December 18, 2009

A post in which it is a better day, with ugly weather

Despite more insomnia last night (despite pills, I was up at 2am!, and never really got any good sleep afterwards),I felt much more serene this morning as I sipped my coffee on the porch. The peace was back. I had needed one thing to give, and it had. Now that I know I have a peace accord in place with Dad, I have one less worry about next week. It's going to be hard enough already. I haven't packed one thing in preparation for the window people.

Today was our Christmas lunch at work. As last year, they had barbecue again, which means I get baked beans and cole slaw for lunch. This year though, they also had a gorgeous sweet potato casserole. I really loved it. So of course I had a sugar crash this afternoon and a headache by the end of the day. But that's my fault for being picky.

Work went smoothly, but the weather started to get ugly. It was raining yet again, and sleeting also. The temp was dropping and it started to get really ugly outside, but having been inside all day I was fairly oblivious to it until Justin emailed me to say that Amanda had cancelled on the get-together at his house tonight. That gave me pause. I told Justin that if Amanda was scared off, I should probably forgo as well, as much as I hated doing it.

Then when I got off work and had to go out in it. It was well and truly nasty. I had initially thought that I would go to Russ and Billy's tonight. They were having a birthday party for a friend of Billy's, and that would at least have been in town. But by the time I got home through the driving sleet, with the temperature at 32, I decided that I should probably stay home. In addition to that, I wasn't feeling the best. I've overdone it this week I think.

So I called Billy, apologetically canceled, and prepared to spend the evening in. I can't remember a December when I have missed so many parties and evenings out. But I didn't feel too badly about staying home tonight. I put on snuggly clothes, and wished my new windows were already in. It was chilly in the house with the wind blowing against it.

I turned on the computer and chatted online while a cavalcade of arcane bibble-babble flashed across the television. The movie Enchanted came on, and I watch that. I still think it needed more Susan Serandon, although it was still quite enjoyable. So I laid back, relaxed in denial, and let the literal and figurative storm build and rage.

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