Friday, December 11, 2009

A post in which I am not diagnosed

I got up this morning and called the doctor first thing to make an appointment. Then I called my boss and talked to him. He told me to get diagnosed and then we'd work out a plan.

At the doctor's office, I once again got priority status, although they didn't put a mask on me this time.

The nurse who took my vitals asked for my symptoms, and then said "I think you just have a rash." I was like, where? She told me that it was just my lymph nodes that were swollen up so large, and I told her that I'd had swollen lymph nodes before, but that they never looked like this.

The doctor came in and told me that mumps vaccine provides like-long immunity, which I suppose I should have known. I felt like an ass then for talking with the nurse from my point of certainty, but she didn't tell me about the immunity, which would have saved us both time and aggravation. The doctor says she doesn't know what's wrong, or if I'm infectious. They took blood to test and told me they would get back to me by next Tuesday. In the meantime, I'm to get plenty of rest, drink fluids, and treat the symptoms.

I went home and laid up on the sofa. I called my boss and left him a voicemail explaining what was going on.

I signed up for a game on Facebook named "Fishville". You get to keep a virtual aquarium. I was engrossed in that for a while, and then shopped online for a new bedspread until my neck hurt too much to keep my head up any longer. I slept most of the afternoon. And waited.

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