Friday, December 4, 2009

A post in which I go to see Miss Kat and dana

It was a fairly slow day today at work, so of course it took forever. I was pretty tired after having so much insomnia this week (I was back up at 5am again this morning). But I was looking forward to going to see Miss Kat and dana tonight. dana had invited me over when she was at the house on Wednesday. I left work, ran by the house to feed the cats, changed clothes, and headed to Long John Silver’s for an unhealthy but satisfying and quick repast before heading their way.

Their house is pretty torn up at the moment. They are still remodeling their kitchen, but it’s starting to look like a kitchen again. They’re painting cabinets – a chore I don’t envy. It’s really time to do mine again but I keep putting it off.

They seemed glad enough to take a break though, and talk to me for a while. We had a good visit, and then I went on home. It’s been a long week.

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