Saturday, December 12, 2009

A post in which I follow doctor's orders

I spent another day on the couch today, mostly.

I alternately snoozed and messed around on the computer. Despite sleeping all night, I slept most of the morning too. But I had stuff I needed to go and get. dana would have gone to the store for me if I had asked, but I figured by this afternoon I would be stir-crazy, and I was right.

I narrowed the bedspread choices down to three, but can't decide between the three. They all have disadvantages, most notably that none will coordinate with the new fabric I've had to make new valances for the bedroom for about five years now. It's beautiful fabric and I'd really like to use it.

Lion in Winter came on TCM this afternoon. It is one of the movies I have been waiting to see, so I made sure I was up and able to watch it. It was excellent. The dialog crackled with intensity, and Katherine Hepburn was at her absolute best. Peter O'Toole and a very young Anthony Hopkins were no slouches either, but she stole pretty much every scene she was in. She was amazing.

When it was over, I made my trip out. I had gotten ready and rested while the movie was on. I had my list. I went and ran three errands. I was gone about an hour and fifteen minutes. I was exhausted when I got home.

The weird thing about being out on a Saturday night in December running errands is that there is no one else out doing anything. Everyone is at a party of some kind. I'd never noticed before because usually I'm at a party too. There were like six people in the grocery store and I was one of them.

When I got home, I had a little pity party because this is the first year since I have known Donnie (at least fourteen years) that I haven't been at his Christmas party. It's the first thing that goes on the calendar in December. I distracted myself by eating a late supper (I was starving when I got home) and went to bed.

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