Monday, May 25, 2009

A post in which M returns!!

Well it rained again today. It's rained enough to be a perfect excuse not to work in the yard, although I really need to.

I was just lazy and worthless again today. I don't really know why. Usually I'm pretty self-sufficient when it comes to entertaining myself. But Russ and Billy are out of town, I've spent as much time as I really should at Miss Kat and dana's, and I saw Michael yesterday. Jeff and James are in New Orleans. And I'm watching the clock for M to come back like I'm on death row or something. I know that's crazy.

I had some breakfast and tried to get motivated about doing something in the house today - once again without success. I decided to go out and work in the yard despite the damp, but I needed to have lunch first before I got dirty. After lunch I was sleepy, and catching up on sleep was one of my main objectives this weekend - an objective on which I have made little headway.

I took a nap and woke up about 4. Then I got motivated - finally - to do some stuff. I wanted to have some things done in case I got to see M tonight. I wanted to be ready to go up there, since I figured he'd want to be at home after being gone for several days.

I did some laundry and put fresh sheets on the bed. I hauled off the recycling. I went to the store and cooked some lunches for next week. Pasta in a mushroom-spinach cream sauce (I had some milk going bad I needed to use). I also made a chess pie to take for Danny, since he's been mowing my grass for baked goods. I had time for a brief visit with Kim and Danny, but then took off to finish getting ready.

It was a good thing I left when I did. I talked to M on the phone, and they were much closer to home than I thought they would be. A good thing, but I wasn't ready. I jetted through the shower, packed up my work clothes, and headed joyously for Spartanburg.

M talked to me and told me about his weekend while he unpacked. We had both eaten dinner already, and we both had to work tomorrow, so after he finished unpacking we turned in. The reunion was sweet indeed. Amazingly, he seems to have missed me as much as I missed him.

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