Sunday, May 10, 2009

A post in which I float through the day

Sundays at camp out are always kind of sad. Everyone is getting ready to go. By the time I got up, the tear-down was well underway. I helped for a while, then rounded up all the dessert stuff, loaded up the car, said my goodbyes, and headed home.

I leave the days after camp out as a “floating” day to coast on afterglow. I’m kind of fuzzy and happy, but it’s hard to make decisions. Basically, I’m like Scarlett O’Hara the morning after she gets carried up the staircase. Eventually I ate something and took a good nap. I thought about laundry, but didn’t do anything about it. After straightening up just a bit and a long shower, I felt like a new man.

I called my mother to tell her happy Mother’s Day, and I called Eve. I called Ms Shay and told her about the campout and my new paddles. I sent her pics online. She’s so good to me. She was very complimentary.

I had told Russ and Billy that if they weren’t too tired we could get together later. They called me about three and said they were going to a movie. We agreed to meet at their place and go to dinner later. I had some puppy time with the dogs and Ben came over for a while. After that we went out to the Ni Hao for some cheap sushi.

We dropped by Miss Kat and dana’s house for a re-cap and visit after dinner. It was a nice evening.

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