Friday, May 15, 2009

A post in which I have yummy Indian food

With my bud Anna.

My boss was off today, which was kind of like a day off for me too. I did my work, but didn't have to worry about surprise reports and the like. Thankfully I remembered my gym bag today so I got to have lunch on my lunch hour.

I tried to make reservations for River's Edge with the guys this year, but there is a waiting list for that weekend. I put my name on the list. Hopefully I'll get to go.

After work I hit the gym and then got cleaned up. I had brought all my stuff with me to shower in the locker room at work, which is very convenient if I'm going out for the evening.

I picked up Anna and took her to Saffron for her first time. She was overwhelmed. The food there truly is amazingly wonderful. We ordered up a feast and re-hashed the camp out and what has been going on in my so-called dating life. She told me about some personal break-throughs she has been having, and a friend of hers she's getting closer to.

After dinner we went and walked around the nearby shopping center. It was a beautiful night, and they have a promenade with benches and flowers. We ended up going in to Barnes and Noble and Anna bought a bunch of stuff. The clerk there was SO cute. I wondered if he was flirting with me, but wasn't sure. I may have to go back in there.

We went downtown with the intention of hanging out in the park for a bit, but there were some faintly scary guys there so I took Anna on home. It was already about 10, and we'd both had a long day today. Still, it was a lovely evening.

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