Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A lazy evening*

I didn't really feel like doing much tonight, so I didn't.

Jerimiah came by for a bit. It had been a while since I've seen him, but despite protestations, he didn't seem inclined to stay and visit. I'm thinking at this point that he really comes over here for one reason. He is a purty thing, but he's too young for me anyway, so I guess its just as well.

I have been craving some companionship though. I love my friends, but I really am kind of tired of being the 5th wheel or the odd one out all the time. It would be nice to have someone to have dinner with, or watch movies on the sofa. But then I guess that's what everyone wants.

1 comment:

Rhen said...

Hang in there, love. I'm a'rootin' for ya. :-)