Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A hard day

I had a really crappy, really busy day at work today. I'm having a bunch of new clients dumped in my lap while I'm trying to get write-offs finished, and learn a new report for my boss. I'm having to try to do it on my own since he's out of town, and that's very stressful. In addition, I had the regular Wednesday reports to do today. That always makes Wednesday my tough day. I spent the last call of the day getting varicose veins in my neck yelling at a recalcitrant Asian woman as well. Just not a good way to end a tough day.

I left the office with relief. I had planned on finishing the curtains tonight, since I didn't want to leave it to the last thing, but there was just no way that was happening tonight.

I did go to buy pull-back loops though, at the little linens place near my house. Nothing. They had blenders and incense (?), but no sewing notions. I walked up to Kmart to find they don't even carry thread now. I was trying to talk myself out of going out to eat again, so while I was in Kmart, I picked up a couple of treats: some Quakes (which I adore), and some of those new Nabisco Cakesters, which I have been avoiding like the plague lo these many months. And Oh my heavenly God are they GOOD! And I so didn't need to know that.

I got home and got my mail, to discover that my 401k had lost $14,000.00 in the 4th quarter last year. Yeah, that pretty much topped off a perfect day. I deposited myself on the couch for a quiet nosh. And watched The Presidents. And went to bed. It was a long day.

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