Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Margo Channing lives

The next time I watch All About Eve, I think I will have a much better understanding of how ole Margo feels.

Do you drive the poeple you love away with castigation? Do you allow yourself to be branded a harpy and allow them to feel justified in moving away from you? Or do you sweetly pretend you don't know what's happening, let them go, and sit quietly on a tuffet like a lady? Guilt is so quickly forgotten.

The real question is - do you allow your pain to express inwardly, or outwardly? The bitch of it is that I usually do both. First out, then in. Like an emotional murder/suicide. So it just sucks to be me. Another bitch is that if someone wants out of your life, there isn't anything you can do to keep them there. People have remarkably adaptable consciences that sneakily allow them to do pretty much what they want and feel justified, no matter how badly they are screwing you over. I know this from work. I just never really thought it applied to my personal life as much as I fear it does now. The old adage is "to find a friend, be a friend". Well what if that doesn't work? If the people you know don't value that, or value you, then you're just a doormat.

Of course we all know which route Margo took (well, all of us who are gay or old movie buffs); and the ending was fairly happy for her. But she had a fantastic and patient man who truly loved her and was willing to ride out the storm. Not to mention that he was trustworthy from the start anyway. I doubt it works out that well so often in real life.

The problem with paranoia is that by the time you find out whether or not you are justified, you have already been labeled as crazy. But to quote the old saying "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we all crazy lol and if its any comfort, remember, Eve got hers in the end .....very powerful scene of the beautiful, young, student trying on her gown and award I still love ya m