Monday, July 21, 2008

Just me and a book

All I really felt like doing tonight was reading, so that's what I did. I have Anne Bishop's Black Jewels Trilogy on loan from Miss Kat. I read the first one, Daughter of the Blood, years and years ago, but never read the others. They definitely show the line where fantasy meets BDSM, and I'm reading them with new eyes. I think I was too young and too non-scene to appreciate them the first time. I've kind of gotten sucked in. I just started them a couple of days ago and I'm about half way through the series already.

I talked to Mother tonight. She had a pin put in her foot today, because the bone wasn't healing. She's in a cast again, but she sys she goes back in a week to have it looked at again. I'm going down there this weekend to help her get some stuff done. Fortunately Lisa was there to take her to the doctor today.

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