Friday, July 18, 2008

Dinner out

I had talked to Russ yesterday about maybe helping entertain LOCK folks tonight, since Billy is out of town, and just because I wanted to see everyone. It turned out that Joanne, Micha, and Rob weren't getting into town until later, but Myz Kitten was coming in earlier. Russ called, and we went out to dinner. We talked about LOCK stuff and people and had a nice meal, then went back to Russ's house to chill for a while.

While we were doing that, and trying to pry Kitten off the phone (she is apparently engaged in some serious texting with someone), Joanne showed up with the boys. We ended up on the screen porch, talking, laughing, telling stories and smoking until LATE. Like after 1am.

And I'm supposed to be at the class by 11am tomorrow morning to help set up. So I'm outtie.

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