Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A post in which I finish up

Today I had a slower day planned, in which I would wrap up loose ends and generally put my desk in order before I left.  I always come back to chaos, and wanted to do what I could.

But as Woody Allen said "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans."

I walked in to a kerfuffle.  Apparently word had gone out that I was off the rest of the week, and the managers decided to clean off their desks.  Instead of tying up loose ends, I spent the morning checking in new clients, which is very time consuming.  I was getting a little on edge when placements kept popping up, but fortunately things calmed down a little bit later in the day, and I was able to put things in order.  It's going to be rougher when I come back, but then I always pay for a vacation.

Tonight was dinner with Dad and Eve - the first since I sent them the big email moving them to bi-weekly as opposed to weekly visits.  They pretty much acted as if nothing had happened, and everyone was on their best behavior, which was fine with  me.  Dinner tonight was at Portofino's, and went well. 

I went back to their house to visit for a bit (I hadn't seen them for about three weeks, after all) but I was impatient to get home and begin trip preparations. 

When I got home, I put in a load of last-minute laundry and generally luxuriated in the fact that I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.  I didn't really get anything done, but I took tomorrow off so that I wouldn't have to be rushed and stressed all week trying to pack and do everything else.

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