Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A post in which I am off to the doctor

For no good reason at all.

Having sorted through my personal drama (for the mo, anyway), I finished up the work day doing old small balance Canadian accounts Alan has been eating my nerves to clear.  I had planned to leave at about 3pm, so of course at 2:58 all hell broke lose, and I had to stay for a while getting people settled down and in so I could leave.

When I got to the house, Mama was there, waiting on the porch.  She hadn't been there since I changed the knobs, and couldn't get in.  But she hadn't been there long.  We went in, I changed, and we headed right back out.

When I got to the doc's, he came in, looked at the place, and told me he couldn't do anything.  Well he couldn't do anything that would help.  Since the cyst is infected, all he could do today was lance it and leave it open for an undetermined period of time.  That would require dressing changes and packing at least twice a day.  On my back.  While I was at the beach.  He couldn't excise the cyst today because it was infected.  So there was no course of action that would not result in a huge pain in the ass.  After discussion, he put me on antibiotics to hopefully clear the infection so that at some point in the future they can take the damn thing out. So today was a complete waste of time.  And another go-round that Dr. Lombardi has cost me.  She discussed putting me on antibiotics last week, but decided to let the doctor taking it out make the call.  Had she done so, we could have probably had this thing out today and been done with it.  Grrrrrr.

So that being unresolved, I had him burn some places off my face, just because I was there anyway (I shudder to think what THAT will cost me), and left.  I forgot all about them drawing blood for a PSA check, and no one mentioned it.  I'm sure someone was supposed to put it on the chart to be done and forgot about it.  Well screw it.  If I'm going to be in and out of there fifteen times with this thing on my back, I guess there will be plenty of other chances.  I am certainly in no hurry for another prostate biopsy, and from what I have read, I have little confidence in PSA level as a predictor of prostate cancer, although it is certainly making a lot of doctors rich from all the testing and procedures. 

So we left.  We hit rush hour traffic, but got through without huge amounts of trouble.  We stopped to shop for shoes, but didn't find anything we liked.  They did have a large selection of insanely expensive sandals which Mama told me are the latest fashion.  I didn't see anything to justify that sticker price.  Craziness.

We went on to supper at Corona's, where they served up the usual excellent fare.  We had a nice dinner and headed back to the house to visit.

I helped Mom with some stuff on her new smart phone, and we watched Dancing With the Stars, which she is apparently into.  It was fine. 

But it was a school night for me.  After shuffling the cars around, bringing in her overnight case, loading Lisa's pickled peaches into her trunk, and making up the sofa, I turned in.  Tomorrow is another day at work.  But only five more work days before the BEACH!! 

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