Thursday, February 28, 2013

A post in which things are better

Thank Goodness.

Today kind of evened out.  I still had nerve-eaters to follow up with, but Alan actually stepped in and made some of the internal people step up and at least look like they're doing their jobs.  Or at least not throw attitude for me asking them to do them. 

I had caught up on calls yesterday, so I had time to go through the presentation to prep it for month end.  Jeffrey is doing it for the first time on his own, and I wanted to have things as prepared as possible.

The big deal today was that Bill and John have broken up with Jake again.  I started seeing the ugly posts go up on FaceBook about 11am.  From Bill.  Now I could see Jake flaming out on line.  He's a young'un, and there seems to be no concept of dignity, privacy, or discretion being the better part of valor in most people who grew up with Jerry Springer on every day.  But Bill is pushing 50.  I like Bill, but he should know better than this at this point in his life.  I got in touch with Lee, because he is the administrator of the group where the vitiriolic posts were flying.  I was kind of embarrassed for them all at this point - I think when he cools down, Bill will be embarrassed at acting out this passion play in public.  Plus I just didn't think this was an appropriate venue for what he was doing.  I thought it was better all around if someone took care of this.  Lee was in the bed because he works nights, but dutifully got up to figure out how to take the posts down.  So that was my fag drama for the day.

I left work on time, just because I still don't feel right, and because I know I have to hit the ground running tomorrow. 

I turned in early.

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