Friday, February 22, 2013

A post in which I am trying to get the week wound up*

I spent a pleasant-enough day revelling in the end of the ^%$$#@!! stupid project.  I actually set up a date with a guy who sent me a text last night.

The only small worry was that I again had a troublesome croupy feeling in my chest.  Again.  Sigh.  I thought I would let it go for the weekend and maybe see the doctor on Monday if it wasn't any better.  This is the third round of this if it is starting again.  But hopefully it isn't.

After sporadic texts throughout the day, I didn't have any plan in place for tonight.  He wasn't responding.  He eventually moved the time from 7:30 to '8:00 to 8:30 maybe'.  I wasn't sure what that meant, but it gave me time to go on to the store, which I needed to do.  I picked up some swiss chard and curly kale I'm planning to use to re-vamp the yucky taters and broccoli left from this week into soup for next week. 

I got home, relaxed, and heard from the guy that I should be getting ready.  I showered up and waited, and nothing.  He totally blew me off.  Crickets.

Now I should have left well enough alone.  But at that point it was like a thing.  I have had an extraordinary good run of luck with guys actually showing up (this is unusual in the skittish gay community here, who tend to spook like deer in wolf territory), and so I was determined to have company.

I eventually had a visit from a guy I saw a couple of weeks ago.  He is notable more for his enthusiasm than his talent, but I was able to find a use for him. 

After he left, I turned in.  I was wiped.   

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