Sunday, February 17, 2013

A post in which I have brunch with the gang*

Miss Kat and Dana had invited everyone for breakfast this morning, which made for a refreshing and relaxing change from fighting the lines at Stax Omega.  They have great omelets, but there is a price to be paid.  With the state of my finances,  am all about a free meal at the moment. 

It was just family at breakfast.  Rhonda, sadly, was still under the weather, but Marty and Petal were there.  Miss Kat and Dana put out quite a spread.  Miss Kat was making everyone gorgeous espressos with her espresso machine (seriously, the BEST coffee I have ever had - even better than Rhonda's).  There was eggs, biscuits, home fries, pancakes, grits, bacon, corned beef, and OJ, along with a fantastic assortment of Miss Kat's mother's homemade jams and preserves.  What a meal!  We all sat down and chowed.  I was quite surprised how much Petal ate.  She is teeny, but she put away some groceries today. 

Afterwards, we adjourned to the den to relax and digest for a little.  We visited some more, but eventually Marty and Petal had to hit the road, and I had stuff I still had to do.

I had stripped the mattress this morning, determined to wash everything.  I also needed fruit.  I stopped at the Ingles near Miss Kat and Dana's house, but their fruit looked even worse than what they had at BiLo.  I didn't want to go to Wal-Mart (again - sheesh), but I stopped in Aldi, thinking that whatever they had would be seasonal.  I really need to go in there more often.  They had beautiful navel oranges on sale for cheap!  $1.50 for a half dozen, rather than $1 apiece, the usual grocery store price. 

Glad that I wouldn't have to go back out, I headed home.  I intended to take a nap, but ended up having a guy come by for a bit instead - this despite my relief that the guy I had lined up for this morning didn't show.  I 'm going to have to stay off the phone.

I finished up almost all of the laundry, got all the bed linens clean, and fixed the bed back.  Eventually I ate some left-over fried rice and pizza rolls (left in the freezer from SuperBowl Sunday) for supper.  In between doing laundry, I watched Butterfield 8 tonight, an Elizabeth Taylor movie I had long wanted to see.  It was pretty grim, as stories go, but I had expected that.  I hadn't realized that she won her first Oscar for the role though, which makes me wonder why it's so hard to see the movie.  I've been trying to catch it for years.

I went to bed in a totally clean bed with the season opener for Worst Cooks in America.  I enjoyed it last year, and it looks as if it will be just as good this year. 

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