Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A post in which Rhonda comes to visit

I woke up this morning already aggravated, which didn't bode well for the day.  I went into work feeling like dryer lint.  That's the best way I can describe it.  Everything was all mushed up together inside me, and everything was sticking to me.  I got my period today or something.

Work, fortunately, went better today.  I actually got a big chunk of what remains on the stupid project done.  By the end of the day, I had settled down some and was feeling more like myself.  I'd had several nice texts from Tyler and Larry, and was going to get Rhonda, which makes any day better.

I headed to her place and we went out for Chinese buffet, over which I caught her up on some of what's been going on, dates, etc.  She caught me up as well.  Then we went by the grocery store, where I remembered most of what I had intended to buy.

When we got back to my place, I worked in the kitchen putting lunches together for tomorrow and Friday (I won't have time to do it tomorrow night), and she sat and talked to me while I cooked.  I always enjoy that.  She has apparently been taking some cooking lessons from Marty and Alton Brown, and although I am a wee bit jealous that she'll learn from them and not me, I'm glad she's taking an interest in heating more healthy food. 

By the time I got done cooking, it was getting late, and we were both tired.  I had been up too late last night, and tomorrow I'll most likely be up late again.  We turned in.  I love having Rhonda at the house.

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