Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A post in which there is yet more misery

I woke up and dragged myself to work. 

Alan was on his high horse today, and requested 7,500 revisions to reports that should have been done already.  Additionally, Carla got 'creative' today and pulled information from the wrong reports, necessitating that a lot of them be done all over. 

To top it all off, I found out that Carla has given notice.  She leaves at the end of the month, which means that I have her assistant to get through quarter-end with.  Better than nothing, but still gonna make my life difficult.

I left at the end of the day feeling awful, and thoroughly disheartened. 

I went by the library to pick up a book I had ordered, and by the grocery store to pick up more orange juice.  Although I had decided I could pick up something for dinner if I wanted, there was nothing I wanted to eat. 

I went home, ate the last of the left-over chili in a sloppy joe, and knocked myself out. 

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