Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A post in which I get to go home

There just aren't tons of days I get to go home in the evening any more.  I kind of set it up that way because I thought I was spending too much time by myself after Michael left, but now I wonder if I'm over-doing it a bit.

Perversely, for some reason I didn't feel like going straight home tonight.  I decided to stop off at Ross Dress for Less.  I didn't need anything, and certainly didn't need to spend any money, but just felt like stopping in.  They had some interesting things on offer as always.  They had some mugs with really nice big handles on offer, which is very rare.  Unfortunately they were pretty hideous.  They had one design I liked, but there was only one of those left.  Since I really only need one mug and own about fifteen anyway, I left the one.  As usual, I perused the ceramic non-stick pans (they had a little one tonight that was hot pink), and again decided I'd rather buy the ones I have that I'm sure what they are.  The markings on the ones at Ross are not as definitive.  They do offer a set of eco-green pans, but they are Italian, and are labelled in Italian.  Since they aren't specifically marked as PFOA and PTFE free I am leery of them. 

I was naughty tonight and went to look at sheets.  I am a complete linen whore, and it's really hard for me to resist sheets; although I have plenty and the ones at Ross tend to be irregulars, and so not quite bed-shaped.  They didn't have much on offer tonight anyway, and I was about to leave the aisle when I saw some Tinkerbell sheets.  Now a certain niece I know is just nuts for anything Tinkerbell.  So I called her mama and found that she didn't have any Tinkerbell sheets.  So I got Ava's Christmas.  Ordinarily I wouldn't buy sheets for a five-year-old, but Ava is not a typical five-year-old.  She loves to get clothes - and has since she was three.  So I think I'm pretty safe there.  Plus it solves the dilemma of getting something she likes that is kind of practical, and also doesn't add to the overload of toys.  She has so many toys that they will barely fit in her room now.  Plus I am behind on getting my Christmas shopping started.  So I feel like I touched all the bases there. 

Emerging triumphant, I headed on home.  I kind of thought I should stop and get sandwich stuff for lunch.  I still have spinach casserole and fruit, but I'm lacking an entree.  But I didn't feel like going to the store, so I just decided to eat peanut butter sandwiches.  Then I remembered that I have all this goat cheese left from my birthday (a gift from Jo Ann and Rob) and my fruit this week is pears.  Cheese and pears is one of my very favorite fall lunches, so done.  Usually I prefer Stilton with pears, but I love goat cheese too. 

I got home, ate dibs and dabs for supper, and vegged in front of the tube and computer for a bit.  I organized some of my photos that I had transferred out of the old computer.  I tried - really tried - to watch part of the presidential debates tonight.  But it was the same mealy-mouth dildonic corporate-speak pandering they have been spouting for months.  I follow the news, I know the positions, and had heard it all before.  Plus I get a belly-full of that stuff at work.  After about ten minutes I just turned it off.  I'll read the review of the debate tomorrow. 

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