Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A post in which I have dinner with the 'rents

I'm more back on my usual schedule this week, and went to dinner with Dad and Eve.  We went to Portofino's tonight, which was my choice.  I just love that place, and was craving their salad and the gorgeous bread they make; little golden balls of yeast dough drenched in melted butter and shaved garlic.  They are the BEST.  I had some veggie lasagna, which was quite good, although I haven't had anything there I like as much as the tortellaci.  I'm not even sure that's a real dish (I haven't been able to find out anything about it, or find it anywhere else) but it doesn't really matter.

Afterwards I went back to the house for a visit.  This week went better than last week.  Dad and I are getting along a lot better than we ever have, but some days it's still dicey.  It doesn't help that he is hurting so much.  He's in enough pain that it would make anyone short-tempered.  Happily, he and Eve don't seem to be bickering as much as they did for a while.  It seems to be partly the way the communicate, but it is still uncomfortable at times to be around them when they're in that place.

They're having the porch screened in, and it is almost done.  The official reason is so that Dad can sit outside after his surgery, but I think she just wants it done.  It is a beautiful job that the guy is doing for them. 

We discussed Eve's birthday dinner this weekend, and talked to Ava and Lisa for a minute or two.  They are planning to come up.  We're doing it early because the first weekend of May I'll be at the beach, and because they'll be getting ready for Dad's surgery that weekend. 

I remembered on the way home that the bear pool party is Sunday afternoon as well.  Crap it all.  I'll have to work out a compromise and go to the party late.  It hadn't even crossed my mind while all this was being planned, although I have known about the party for weeks.

I ran through the grocery store on the way home for a few odds and ends.  I have to send Grandma a card, but didn't get one tonight. 

I got home, turned on the Big Bang Theory marathon, and turned in. 

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