Sunday, July 18, 2010

A post in which we're tubin' on the Green River!

I was up, ready, and out the door early today to go tubing. I had been looking forward to it all week, and even better I was riding up with Russ and Billy. Russ was in a bit of a state because Ben was running late, but he showed up and it was fine.

We got to James and Jeff’s house and visited for a while. Probably for a bit too long in fact, but we were all enjoying each other’s company so much it was hard to get organized. Erin and Amy were there from Charlotte. They’re both fabulous, and I love spending time with them. There was also a very nice straight couple there. Her name was Morgan, but I don’t remember his. Their names were very similar, and almost rhymed, but didn’t; that made it almost impossible for me to remember their names. So I just called him Hotlips, and I think it’s going to stick. Amanda was there, as were her younger sister and her boyfriend Vance. He was a hottie, but looked like a big ole stick of Trouble to me, but since he was nice to me it was none of my business.

Eventually, we got it together, took care of the dogs, and got loaded up. We all got our tubes and got out on the river. It was beautiful, as always, and it’s so much fun to go with a bunch of friends. There was a little spit of rain, but even that was pretty, and no one got French fried or anything, so it was all good. We all hooked our tubes together for a while and floated as a mass of people. We all drifted down the river, Amanda, of course, way out in front of everyone else (since she weighs nothing). Her mother was with us as well. She was a nice lady, and seemed fairly impervious to our various ribaldries. Amanda seemed a bit subdued around her mother, but then I guess she would be. She seemed to have a predilection for yours truly, for some reason. It could have been because I flashed her while we were changing out of our wet clothes, but who really knows? At any rate, I was offered a place to live.

We hung out on Amanda’s porch for a while when we got back, and then went on to Jeff and James’s house for supper. They had already prepped spinach enchiladas and stuff to feed the whole group. They go to so much trouble, but everything was so nice. We all sat out on the deck and ate 18lbs of various chips and stuff while we waited for supper to be finished, and then ate like hogs all over again.

By the time we had supper and a smoke, though, it was well after 9, and it a school night and all. So we loaded up and headed home. It was a lovely, relaxing day, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

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