Thursday, July 29, 2010

A post in which I have dinner with yet another fiery, tempestuous, red-headed vixen

I was up early and called Mom about Granny before I left the house. She talked to Donna last night (as I figured she would) and apparently Granny is doing better. Her kidneys are working again, which is a very good sign.

I went back to the urologist today for them to draw more blood. Fingers crossed. I was a bit vexed because I got there before the staff did (I mean really, if you’re going to schedule early appointments, shouldn’t you show up?), but he woman to took my blood was so nice that I really couldn’t hold it against her, even if she did use a needle the size of Howard Stern’s ego.

Tonight I had dinner out with Nicole scheduled. I had just enough time to get home and scrape the top inch or so of cat hair off the furniture before she got there. The cats don’t go outside, but Crooner is shedding by the haystackful. I mean really, I had enough fur in the living room to start my own Build-A-Kitty workshop.

Nicole looked great, and it was wonderful to see her. She caught me up on her fabulous life, which has apparently involved going to a lot of spectacular concerts. I was so glad I had done something culturally uplifting last night so I didn’t feel like a total schlub.

We ended up going to Miyako (where else, right?). She hadn’t been (bless her heart, still going to Irashiai). I don’t think she was very impressed – she made some unfortunate menu choices – but my food was divoon as usual. For some reason getting sushi now is linked to getting ice cream in my newly ice cream obsessed mind (can we see those 17 pounds going right back on? mmm-hmm I thought so), so I stood her for ice cream at Bruster’s, where she had (unbelievably) also never been!

We gossiped about friends and caught up on each other’s families after we ran out of new stuff about each other. It was a lovely visit and a very nice evening.

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