Friday, July 9, 2010

A post in which I visit with Miss Kat and dana

Aside from being dull as dishwater and incredibly long, it was a very quiet day at work today.

I did have an odd call to Russ. For some reason I thought we were going to a birthday/pool party tomorrow, but apparently I had completely the wrong idea. We were having dinner out with MC and sa. It’s very unusual for me to get all mixed up like that. I don’t know where my mind is lately. It takes a lot more energy to hold on to good denial than you would think.

When it was finally time to go home, I did the Fred Flintstone down Dino’s tail and into the car. I was so ready for the weekend.

When I got home, I called dana as agreed, but got no answer. It turns out that after a 10-hour day, she was cleaning house and didn’t hear her phone over the vacuum. She’s far better than I. Miss Kat called me back after a little while and I went on over. We had Mexican and visited for a while.

I didn’t stay too late though, because dana was wiped out. With the heat and the long hours she’s been working, she had planned to go to bed early. I got home surprisingly early, and watched telly for a bit (and ate more, which I did not need to do) before turning in.

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