Saturday, July 3, 2010

A post in which the weekend begins

I was up early. I had a lot to do. Frankly, I was skeptical of dana’s avowal that they would be at my house by 8:30, but in case they were I didn’t want to keep them waiting. It turns out that my caution was justified – they were on my doorstep on the dot. I was really glad I was ready. I could have driven myself, but that would have been yet another car at Joann’s. Plus I’m just not sure of myself driving with these new bp meds having me all wonked out.

OK, for whatever reason this is the only picture I made this weekend. Why? WTF knows? But I include it. This is the view from the back seat on the way to Savannah. The observant will note that the road is lined with the state flower - the construction barrel.

At any rate, I made the time, and we set off. It makes me feel good just to be around the two of them, so I was feeling fairly perky and optimistic about the trip. We made great time, and got to the house about 12:30 or so.

By the time we got there, I was pretty drug out (car trips do that to me), and after greetings I collapsed on the sofa for a while. The house is large, but we had a houseful this weekend. I found that I was to bunk in the room with Miss Kat and dana. That was fine with me, but I wondered how they felt about it.

We spent the afternoon relaxing and visiting. We got in the pool for a while. Rob and Joann made low country boil for supper.

It was a nice relaxing day with friends.

All was fine until Miss Kat decided to turn in. I realized that I hadn't inflated my air mattress. I figured it would be better to go ahead and do it now than wait until later when she was asleep. So I had to go back there, drag it all out, and make a horrible racket - interrupting cuddle time. They were really nice about it, but I felt bad about making so much noise.

Tomorrow is the flea market!!

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