Monday, July 12, 2010

A post in which I begin the new week

It was a typical Monday. Work, home, dinner, telly, and bed. I did go by the store on the way home for a few things I forgot this weekend, and some more salad. Publix had their Caesar salad kits on sale this week; and far be it from me to deny myself salad when I actually want to eat it. I also picked up some blueberries. I’ve been having them as a treat lately.

I did talk to Rodney, and old friend, online tonight for a bit, and he asked me out to supper. He’s a nice guy, and I like him. He’s smart, but for some reason he has just never seemed like a potential partner to me. I told him I would go, and I’m looking forward to it. It’s been a while since I have seen him, and he has lost a bunch of weight. It will be interesting to see how he looks. I’m sure he looks great – he’s always been a handsome man.

I also talked to James about the tubing trip this coming Sunday. That was a lot of fun last year, and a lot of my favorite people are going, including Russ and Billy this year. It should be a good time.

Although I had a busy week planned, it’s been winnowed down somewhat. I was supposed to have a rendezvous tonight, but he was a no-show. I was really OK with that. When I got home it was so good to be here that I really didn’t feel like leaving. I was supposed to go see a Metropolitan Opera simulcast with Nancy this week, but she got the night wrong, and it was scheduled for Wednesday night instead of Thursday as we had thought. I could have re-scheduled Rodney, but it just seemed like a lot of rigmarole to go through. There’s another one later in the month anyway.

That seems to illustrate what’s going on right now. Nothing really seems to matter that much. I seek mindless distraction, but don’t seem to be willing to go very far out of my way for them. I don’t seem to care very much about improving myself, which used to be a more important thing for me. Nothing seems to matter as much as keeping my brain turned off. I don’t really want to think about anything, particularly the next series of tests and doctor visits. They just seem to hang over my head in quiet menace.

I know the blog has been boring lately, and I apologize for that, but there really hasn’t been that much going on. Aside from wanting to stay close to home and engage in mindless distractions, I haven’t been up to much.

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