Friday, June 28, 2013

A post in which I spend da money

So today when I got off work I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I decided to go by the pawn shop to look at lawn mowers. It was pretty seedy, but then I rationalized that a) it wasn't any worse than the flea market, and b) I wasn't moving in, right?

They had two lawn mowers. One was about the same price as everywhere else (what is it with the $160-$170 used mowers?) and one for $80. The cheap one cranked, so I bought it. The woman that worked there was surprisingly nice, and gave me a plastic bag so that I had something to sit it on in the car. I wrestled it in, and headed out.

I messaged Jody, but he wanted to come Sunday again. I am really over this Sunday thing where I have to sit home with/for him. When I got home, I just changed and mowed. The yard was crazy-high, and who knows when I could get Jody there? When I got done, I had a message from him that he would have come during the week, but after all the money I spent in the last 60 days or so, I really didn't need to pay out any more anyway. I also wanted to give this mower a test-run before I turned him loose on it. This is the third one so far this summer. By the time I finished mowing after working all day, I was wiped out. I laid around for a while, but ended up going on to bed. Hopefully, this is now, at last, sorted.

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