Monday, November 5, 2012

A post in which I am waiting*

I woke up this morning, surprisingly cozy.  The heater that Miss Kat and Dana loaned me made a difference.  Since the weather is (relatively) mild, and I have had the house insulated and replaced the windows, the house remained pretty comfy. 

I called Bobby (aka the HVAC) guy at about 2pm, to ask about the price on the second heater, and he was like "Yes, I need to call about that..."  Well actually, hell yes you do.  I haven't had heat for a week.  I'm pretty frustrated.  He's a nice guy, and I know he's honest, but I actually need him to do something.  I'm ready to have this seen to. 

I had my flu shot today.  They give them to us for free at work after one year when a mini-epidemic cleaned out the office. 

As the afternoon wore on, I started to feel yucky.  My stomach was messed up and I just plain didn't feel good.  At first I wondered what was going on, and then I thought about the flu shot.  Now I have always poo-poo'd those who think they make you sick or cause autism, government mind control, or spontaneous decapitation.  The modern vaccine is a miracle that revolutionized health care, and it is a symptom of our affluence that we question the benefits of vaccines that many people in the world are literally dying for lack of access to. 

All the same, I felt crappy.

After work I ran by the store for staples.  I have tons of food in the fridge, but didn't feel like eating any of it.  I got some spinach dip, even though I knew it wouldn't be as good as what I could make, just because I was craving it. 

My plan tonight was to clean out the fridge.  I had stuff that needed to go into the freezer (notably half of the HUGE pot of curry I ended up with Saturday), and needed to clean out the fridge, but I just plain didn't feel like doing it tonight.

I fell into the internet vortex for a while, and my friend John ended up coming to see me.  He lives in an out-lying area (to call it a 'bedroom community' would be pretentious) and doesn't come to town that often, so it was nice of him to make the drive.   I enjoyed seeing him, but by the time he left I was ready for bed!

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