Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A post in which I have dinner with Dad

Things remain quiet, but Alan comes back from Canada tomorrow so things should pick up then.  I've on track for my month (if not for that stupid manual they want - grrrr), and I got my only big write-off approval back today.

I ordered a Gamecocks shirt today.  I couldn't find the one I wanted, so I just went to Zazzle.com and made one.  I don't know if it will get through the trademark filter or not, but no rejections so far...(crossing fingers).  I was really surprised how high any team merchandise is online - crazy.  We're talking $30 t-shirts folks, and over twice that for a jersey.  Since I couldn't find what I wanted anyway, this is one of the few cases where it actually made sense for me to order a custom shirt.  I love making up my own, but they are hella expensive.  Also, the fit is never quite right.  One size if voluminously huge, and the size smaller is too tight, which is really aggravating.  But I ordered it anyway.

Lisa called me today to tell me that an antique store near her is being auctioned off due to the owner's death.  I may drive down and spend the weekend with her so we can go to the sale.  Cole won't be around, but it will be nice to spend some time with Lisa.  I don't really need anything, but then that has never stopped me before.

After work I headed for Dad and Eve's.  She made enchiladas. We had a very nice meal and a good visit.  Dad wasn't any crankier than usual, so that was a win.  It was a nice evening, and she sent home the extra bean enchiladas for my dinner tomorrow night.  Goodness knows they wouldn't have eaten them.

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