Thursday, August 9, 2012

A post in which it is almost vacation

I was up and out this morning, as was Jason.  I had to work and he had stuff to do.

Work went well.  Alan leaves for China tomorrow (for the next two weeks)(!), and today was about wrapping up loose ends, finishing the month, and getting my desk sorted out.  Which I did.  Beautifully.  I was a very good boy today.

In the afternoon though, I started to feel yucky.  It seems that I get sick every time I make checca sauce.  I was really upset and disappointed that I might miss the camping trip, to which I had really been looking forward.

It was also raining today.  Copiously.  When it rains here, it makes people nutso crazy and today was no exception.  When I got off work, every route off of Pelham hell was blocked to the threshold of non-movement.  I ended up having to detour out to Taylors and coming back into downtown from there.  This at an eye-tearing 25-27 mph.  Which was an improvement.

I got a call from Jason while en route.  To his credit, he took my pending illness in good stead.  He was all for us just cancelling the trip and staying in, but I really wanted to go.  I decided to wait and see how I felt in the morning.  In the meantime, I wanted cookies.  I went by the store and picked up some gourmet cookies of which I am very fond, but in which I seldom indulge.  I also got some queso dip and chips for dinner.  I crave crap when I feel bad.  Jason said he would be fine with frozen lasagna, bless him.

We just took it easy, stayed in, and listened to it rain basically.  It was for the most part a quiet evening.

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